Page 7 - Churches Chorlton
P. 7
Sample Chapter.
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Chorlton is a diverse place, which is reflected in the people who
have made it their home, the variety of shops, bars and
restaurants and in the places of worship.
Historically the area has always attracted new people, so in
the mid 19th century, had you walked the lanes of Chorlton,
you would have heard a mix of regional and national accents,
from the Home Counties, to Scotland, Wales and Ireland, while
the housing boom of the 1880s pulled in a new wave, some of
whom came to live in the new houses that were springing up,
others who came to build those new homes and yet more who
were employed to care for the houses.
A full century later, a new group, many of whom were
young professionals, were attracted to the area because it was
cheaper than other parts of south Manchester, and offered up
plenty of small, un-modernised properties at prices which today
seem laughable.
And it is easy to forget that during the early 20th century,
the area alternated between electing Liberal and Conservative
councillors, before settling down to a period of unbroken Tory
representation from 1945 through to 1986. Then the Labour
Party secured a historic first victory, which was confirmed a
year later by the election of Keith Bradley,
as the MP for Manchester Withington.
So sublimely confident had the Liberals
and Conservatives been of their
dominance here in Chorlton, that both
opened grand social clubs during the
1890s, while the small group of socialists,
were relegated in the early years of the
next century to open air meetings on
Chorlton Green.
In the same way, the first Methodist
sermon had been conducted on the same
village green, and later the handful of
Methodists had met in each other’s homes
and in the barns of two farmers, while by
the beginning of the 20th century, the
Unitarians and Baptists had held their