Page 8 - Churches Chorlton
P. 8
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early services in the Masonic Hall and the Public Hall.
Each went on to build their own churches, which meant that
by 1910 the people of Chorlton had a choice of 17 churches to
choose from.*
It might seem a bewildering choice, and equally might also
have seemed so to a resident of Chorlton in 1800, when the
only church was that of St Clement’s beside the village green.
In its white painted walls, parishioners would have heard the
service conducted using the Elizabethan Book of Common
Prayer, on a site where there had been religious worship dating
back to around 1512. But in that earlier chapel, the religious
landscape would have been very different with services
conducted in Latin, with a priest who looked to Rome for
That uniformity of religious practice has gone, and alongside
the churches, there are now three Buddhist centres and a Hindu
temple, while just beyond the Chorlton boundary there is a
mosque and a synagogue, all of which are described in the
pages of this book, along with a selection of original paintings
by Peter supported by contemporary colour photographs, old